Sunday, July 8, 2012

Why should I read and study the book of Psalms?

Why should I read and study the book of Psalms?

The Book of Psalms in the bible was written by David inspired by the Holy Spirit of God. In his life, David experienced many different situations and challenges in life, from a poor shepherd boy becoming a king. He even killed a bear and Goliath the strongest soldier of that time when he’s still a young boy. King Saul tried to kill him because of jealousy. Many things happened in David’s life when he’s still a young boy until he became a king until he passed away.

1.)    What is in David that motivates and encourages him not to be afraid to anything and anyone?
2.)    If you are David, would you fight a giant man like Goliath with just your sling as your weapon?

If you can answer number 1 question then you must understand and acknowledge God and how great and powerful He is. But, in number 2 question, few people would still be in a doubt on saying “yes” in this question. Why? it is because they can still feel the absence of God’s presence in their life. Is there a situation where God’s presence is not present in our life? The answer is “Yes”.

In Romans 6:23
-          For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life.

Death means separation from God.
Without God we are nothing.

Yes, you can still live in this world with all your vices, sexual desires and the eager for money and power to the extent of killing people just to achieve your dreams. But I’ll tell you, you will never have eternal life and worst you’ll be put to hell, literally in hell for you to experience pain for eternity.

David was brave at that time even if his weapon is just a sling compared to Goliath with armor and a sword. He was sure that he can kill and defeat Goliath because he knew that God is in his side and fighting with Him. This is most forgotten fact people always forget. I’ll tell you this, God is in you and He is always living in you. So don’t be afraid in problems and struggles in life, with God nothing is impossible. All things are possible in God.
Let us offer our lives as a living sacrifice. Do you know that your body is now a temple for God? Yes, your body now is a temple of god. And it should be always clean and worthy for God’s holy presence to inhabit in it.
In order for us to have God’s presence every day, we should keep ourselves holy and worthy. We should avoid making and having sins and we should always pray, meditate God’s words day and night, follow His commands and laws and we should always praise and worship God.

This is the reason we should study the book of Psalms. Through God’s word for us, we should learn how to live a better Christian life and have intimacy with God. Psalms also teaches us how to maintain and handle things in accordance to God’s will. But we should pray first every time we should study the bible and ask God the things we wants us to know and not the things we want to hear. Always ask God for anything and everything.

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